The Urban Field Naturalist

In this time of social isolation, what could be better than taking a moment to learn a little more about the plants and animals we share our homes with?

A project in collaboration with: Zoë Sadokierski, Thom van Dooren, Dieter Hochuli, John Martin

A collaboration between design, digital and environmental humanities, and life sciences. The project provides resources to help people notice wildlife in urban environments, and turn these observations into shareable stories.

Wildlife exists all around us: in our backyards, on our balconies, in parks and disused industrial areas. The urban environment is home to a diverse array of other living creatures, from ants, spiders, and snails, to birds, possums, lizards, and even those wayward weeds emerging through cracks in the footpath. If we pay attention, each of them is an invitation into a unique and intricate mode of life, into an entire world of growth and decay, of communication and sensation, going on right under our noses.

This ongoing project is curated around the project's website:

The collaboration also involved an exhibition, the creation of a new augmented reality narrative work and a co-authored book.

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