New Chapter: Uncanny Landscapes


A new chapter in the recently published "Making Data" by Zoë Sadokierski, Monica Monin and Andrew Burrell

Uncanny Landscapes: Tactile and Experiential Encounters with Ecological Data
Zoƫ Sadokierski, Monica Monin and Andrew Burrell

"Communicating complex ecological issues such as anthropogenic climate change and the effects of capitalist culture on diverse ecologies is difficult. Challenges include communicating phenomena that occur over unimaginable timescales and are often invisible to the naked eye; making these global phenomena relatable on a local and individual scale; and, instilling an understanding of the human species as enmeshed (Morton 2012) and entangled (Tsing et al. 2017) within complex ecologies, in order to foster attention and care for the world."

In: Making Data: Materializing Digital Information
Editor: Ian Gwilt
Bloomsbury Publishing, 24 Mar 2022

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