On the Internet, a heart breaks every 4 seconds.

A project in collaboration with: Chris Rodley

It reconfigures the last thousand heartbreaks from the Internet hive-mind as spectral projections that dance and flicker at random intervals in three-dimensional space. It asks us to consider the nature and meaning of emotion in the digital age, when the line between suicidal angst and quotidian frustrations is increasingly blurred.

Projected into a smoke filled glass cube the words of a 1000 individuals crying out to their networks can be seen to float momentarily in space then disappear in a fleeting moment of connection. 1000 Broken Hearts builds on a series of data artworks that inquire into the emotional valence of text in networked spaces.


Credits and Attribution

1000 Broken Hearts was an installation presented at Oxford Act Factory in October 2013 as part of the City of Sydney’s Art and About.

In 2014 it was exhibited at the Art & Algorithms festival, Titusville, Florida, USA.

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